How to Hang Wall Art

How to Hang Wall Art

Wall art can be a challenge to hang properly due to the shape, size and design. Wall art with lots of hollow areas or intricate designs can provide a challenge to mount, which is why we created this guide. If you have invested time designing your own wall art for...
Brass Bedrooms: Adding Luxury to Your Daily Routine

Brass Bedrooms: Adding Luxury to Your Daily Routine

When people mention brass, our minds will often be taken back to the brass bedsteads and brass lamps from our childhoods or parents. That’s something of an injustice. Even though brass has been around forever, it’s one of the few metals that has managed to remain on...
Beautiful Brass Kitchen Sinks

Beautiful Brass Kitchen Sinks

The kitchen sink: one of the most utilitarian objects in any home. Unless, of course. it’s brass. The gold-coloured credentials of this wonderful metal add instant richness to a room, whatever the style. Modern and minimalist, timeless and traditional –...
Dark & Moody Living Room Ideas

Dark & Moody Living Room Ideas

Clocks have gone back, fires have been lit and there’s never been a finer time to consider one of our favourite decor aesthetics: dark and moody. Blending swathes of inky colours, rich fabrics and distressed metals, this bold and dramatic style makes for a...
Quirky Downstairs Toilet Ideas

Quirky Downstairs Toilet Ideas

Lucky enough to have a downstairs loo? It might be time to think about its potential. Often the smallest room in a home, downstairs toilets are commonly relegated to cupboard status, with nothing more than a sink and a toilet to show. But compact cloakrooms can be a...